Jailhouse Rock

Piccadilly Theatre, London
Event has ended
This event ended on Thursday 1st of June 2006

Piccadilly Theatre, London

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Jailhouse Rock is a stage adaptation of Elvis Presley’s 1957 hit musical of the same name. Adapted by Alan Janes and Rob Bettinson- the story tells of a young man abandoned by his father and brought up by his mother on a trailer park. Vince Everett, the young man in question, begins dating the daughter of a rich and powerful man and soon finds himself convicted of manslaughter and sent to prison. Whilst inside Vince dreams of becoming a singing sensation upon his release. The perfect opportunity to showcase his talents is presented when a Christmas Charity event is broadcast live from the jail. Vince impresses the shows producer, Peggy Van Aulden, who helps him produce a hit record upon his release. Despite a tumultuous start to his singing career, Vince becomes a successful rock and roll star. Is Vince able to maintain his star status? Will he become romantically involved with Peggy? Will Vince forget those who befriended him in prison?

The first act incorporates a menacing prison environment which admirable conjures the constraints and claustrophobia of prison life. Though it works well in the first act- the prison set seems obtrusive during the second, where it remains on stage despite the majority of the story being set outside the walls. The show is full of upbeat energy and charisma- much of it coming from the role of ‘Quickly’ Robinson who does his level best to upstage Vince during the song and dance routines.

Unfortunately Jailhouse Rock was unable to get permission to use the original soundtrack from the movie. However there are many well performed Elvis classics to be heard including ‘Blue Suede Shoes’, ‘Always on my Mind’ and ‘Suspicious Minds’.

Tags: Theatre

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