Inspired Word: Poejazzi

Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Gore, London
Event has ended
This event ended on Wednesday 23rd of October 2013
Venue Information
Royal Albert Hall
Kensington Gore, SW7 2AP
Nearest Tube/Rail Stations
South Kensington 0.52 miles

The Royal Albert Hall hosts premier spoken word and music night Poejazzi for the first time. Featuring new material from phenomenal singer/songwriter Eska; rising stars Anna Lena & The Orchids, whose beautifully controlled, expertly pieced together” music “recalls the likes of Bat For Lashes” (Clash Magazine); Hollie McNish, whose witty yet sensitive poems have garnered her over a million views on YouTube; soulful rock with an orchestral quality from Hejira; and poetry from John Berkavitch, who combines wry social observation with hip hop stylings.

Tags: Music

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