Les Miserables

The Queen's Theatre, London
Event has ended
This event ended on Saturday 1st of April 2006

The Queen's Theatre, London

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Les Miserables is a musical adaptation of Victor Hugo’s humanitarian novel of one mans journey and determined survival in the face of vengeful persecution by another.

Jean Valjean is released from prison after serving 20 years of hard labour. After stealing a piece of silver from a bishop’s house, he is caught and returned by the police. The bishop stating that the silver was a gift, lets Valjean on his way, though making him promise to learn to to good for others.

The musical then jumps to 1822, and Vajean is the humble and popular major of Vigau. A former inspector soon recognises him and demands that he be denounced, but has insufficient proof that he had committed the crime. This vengeful theme runs throughout the production, and we see how the events of the July 1832 revolution affect his fate.

Les Miserables is no longer just a musical, it has now become an institution, its songs and choreography tweaked and perfected over many years.

The show first came to London when Alain Boublil saw ‘Oliver’ the British musical based on the novel by Charles Dickens, and the singing Artful Dodger brought to mind a singing Gavroche. The first stage production of his completed work was produced at the Palais de Sports on the 17th September 1980, and was seen by 500,000 people.

The dramatic and powerful score in this production is almost now as famous as the novel itself, including such numbers as ‘On my Own,’ One More Day’ and ‘Do You hear the people sing’. Les Miserables is performed on stages all over the world, and after almost 25 years in production has now been seen by over 51 million people worldwide.

Tags: Theatre

User Reviews


Mar 19, 2005

Everyone must go and see Les Miserables! I've seen it twice and I'm now a complete fanatic of the show!! **********

Sep 9, 2004

Les Mis is one of the lasting and enduring tales of bad comes good. I have seen several different performances with varied casts and can honestly say i enjoyed every time as much as i did the first. GO SEE IT!!!!!