Chemical Wedding

Cinemas across London
Chemical Wedding image
Event has ended
This event ended on Monday 30th of June 2008

Cinemas across London

At Cambridge University a ground breaking experiment integrates the human brain with a super-computer using a state-of-the art ‘interactive suit’. One of the Cambridge boffins is an obsessive follower of the turnof-the-century occult leader, Aleister Crowley, and has reduced Crowley’s rituals to a series of equations and entered them in to the system. Bumbling academic, Professor Haddo (Simon Callow) is the willing volunteer, desperate to get inside the mind of the long-dead Crowley. The computer feeds directly into Haddo’s brain, transforming him from a shy and stuttering academic into the charismatic but sexually depraved Crowley who wreaks havoc around the Cambridge campus.

Haddo believes himself to be the reincarnation of Crowley and as he plays out Crowley’s rituals, his associates realise he has knowledge that only the real Crowley could have. Could this be Aleister Crowley reincarnated, and if so, how do they send him back to the hell from which he came?

Tags: Film

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