Richard Prince: Continuation

Serpentine Gallery, Kensington Gardens, London W2 3XA
Richard Prince: Continuation image
Event has ended
This event ended on Sunday 7th of September 2008

Serpentine Gallery, Kensington Gardens, London W2 3XA

Richard Prince (b. 1949), one of the world's most celebrated artists and one of its greatest artistic innovators, curates his new exhibition Richard Prince: Continuation on-site at the Serpentine Gallery, with Gallery director Julia Peyton-Jones, co-director Hans Ulrich Obrist, and exhibition curator Kathryn Rattee. His first major exhibition in a UK gallery, Richard Prince: Continuation is the artist’s selection of his own work, and includes new works together with highlights of an extraordinary 30-year career in painting, photography and sculpture.

Tags: Art

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