Improvisation and Acting for Beginners - weekend course 5/6 November

44 Essex Road, Islington, London N1
Event has ended
This event ended on Sunday 6th of November 2005
The weekend costs £75 (£50 concessions) for BOTH days. You need to book in advance to guarantee your place - or call 07722-063361 for last minute availability.

44 Essex Road, Islington, London N1

The SPROUT Ideas "Intro to Impro" Weekend
Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th November 2005

Want to improve your creativity & spontaniety?
Want to learn how to act without a script?
Want a fun weekend?

In November we are running another impro weekend workshop. It covers everything you ever wanted to know about how to improvise, but were afraid to ask. Two intensive days including all the essential skills of impro - spontaneity, team-work, scene-building etc. Your tutors will be TWO of the experienced improvisers from the SPROUT team, and the days are designed to be 100% practical with most of the work in pairs or small groups.

It is suitable for:

-Complete beginners
-Actors & performers new to impro
-And actors & improvisers who wish to refresh their existing skills.
(The group will be limited to a maximum of 16 people.)

Tags: Around Town

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